Like any professional you work with, it is best to find an expert that is a fit for your needs and expectations. Here are some frequently asked questions that might help you decide whether we will make a great fit.
What is dispute consulting?
Dispute consulting encompasses assistance in analyzing, managing, and resolving disputes. Specifically, with expertise in damages and valuation, we can assist with (1) Gathering, organizing, and analyzing evidence; (2) Performing preliminary calculations and scenario analyses; (3) Expert reports, reviews and rebuttals; and (4) Trial preparation.
When do I need to hire an expert?
Ideally, as soon as you inform your attorney of the potential for a dispute. Involvement of an expert at the outset can help to set realistic expectations and inform strategy. Additionally, preliminary calculations can be utilized to facilitate settlement. At a minimum, the expert should be consulted before discovery closes, to ensure that all evidence that will be necessary to develop credible assignment results has been requested.
What is the difference between a consulting expert and a testifying expert?
Consulting experts are generally granted more latitude to provide advisory services because their work is confidential, behind-the-scenes guidance to the legal team. While a testifying expert can provide many of the same services, their involvement has to be disclosed, and their opinions, notes, workproduct, and documents reviewed, will be discoverable. Use of a consulting expert to assist in the review of the testifying expert’s report is often helpful, as their specialized knowledge and training can identify the relative strengths and weaknesses in the testifying expert’s report prior to submission.
How long does it take to generate an expert report?
For reports prepared as a testifying expert, we require a minimum of 30 days from the receipt of all requested information to the presentation of assignment results. Timeframes for consulting expert assignments vary based on the depth of analysis required, but can generally be completed within two weeks of receipt of all necessary data.
Who will be performing the majority of the work on the engagement?
Megan will personally invest the time necessary to understand the drivers of value, review the records and be available when advice is needed. She believes that in order to provide credible testimony, an expert must be intimately familiar with the facts of the case and the analytical models and assumptions employed in developing assignment results. Assistance may be obtained to perform specified tasks and quality control procedures.
Are you qualified to be the expert on my case?
Megan has been qualified as an expert and testified in various forums, including depositions, arbitrations, and courts. Most recently, she was qualified as a valuation and economic damages expert in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Megan is accredited by the American Society of Appraisers as an Accredited Senior Appraiser, the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts as a Master Analyst in Financial Forensics and a Certified Valuation Analyst, and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners as a Certified Fraud Examiner.
In addition to her credentials and education in business and economics, she has provided valuation and economic damages consulting services in hundreds of matters across diverse industry segments for more than 20 years.
If we do not believe we have the right expertise for your particular case, we will happily recommend a specialist from our extensive network of experts.